Tuesday 1 June 2010


Many people suffer from a sleep disorder known as insomnia. Insomnia is caused by many different factors includind stress and an irregular sleep cycle. Most people choose the chemical method of dealing with it because it dose not take any effort or thought. Take a pill,go to sleep. What they do not consider is the side effects that come from these type of pills, not the least of which is addiction.
Natural remedies exist for dealing with insomnia, including research to find out the root of the insomnia. Relaxation is important to sleep quality. You need to learn to relax your body in order toallow it to fall asleep naturally. You may want to exercise before you begin the relaxation as exercise will strengthen, tire out, and help to relax the mascle, giving you a head start. Follow the same routine every night so your body gets into a habit and is conditioned for a sleep response.

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